How we fixed an issue when teaching search

Hope you had a great thanksgiving.

We were all sick with a cold so our plans went sideways.

On the plus side we were all together though.

Oh and I have been learning more about wim hoff, the breathing method, and cold about energizing.

Anyways there will be more on that later on.

We are offering FREE shipping though on our new apparel shop which you can check out HERE.

Here's this past weeks episode:

​​How we fixed an issue when teaching search

Lesson of the day: Proper preparation prevents poor performance Questions Answered: 1) motivating fellow officers to be better when they are close to retirement 2) Building a solid mentorship program.

You can find our show on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Play.

John Lovato, Jr.

Father | Husband | Firefighter |Realtor

Read more from John Lovato, Jr.

My probie has mentioned that he wants to regularly dry stretch. What!?! I think we just became best friends. I explained to him that thats my go to daily drill of choice. Now only does it give the firefighter practice but also the engineer. The engineer has to spot the apparatus and we usually discuss tactics after the stretch. We go over different options and discuss possible variables. The point is to get out and do it. Familiarize yourself with your first due and keep your crew engaged....

Its the strongest thing you can have Lesson of the day Relationships are everything Questions Answered 1) My challenge is getting the firefighters to work with me as I am a new Chief to them and new to the Department. 2) My #1 challenge is securing a career position You can find our show on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Play. LISTEN NOW I stopped and talked to a neighbor today that happens to be a retired firefighter from Iowa. Our talk was brief. He is enjoying retirement and thought he...

Boy what a week it has been. It was a busy kelly week. And I learned some valuable lessons. I have decided to take on real estate as a side job. So I'm learning something new which makes me uncomfortable. It tends to also stress me out because there is not enough time in the day to learn everything. I've been reminded on the importance of being patient. A person can only do so much. I've learned that having this new goal has made me excited on overcoming these new obstacles. I've been...